Air Conditioner Maintenance Fundamentals


Cleaning and maintaining an air conditioner is just as crucial as putting it on in the first place, because otherwise you'll be breathing in dust and grime that has been recycled. We've put together a fast five-step approach that should get you on your way to a functional air conditioner that works like new. There are plenty of fantastic resources on the web (such as this) for a more detailed approach to air conditioner maintenance, but keep reading for something quick and easy...

1. Clean the evaporator first.

This can be found in the plenum above the furnace and should be cleaned at least once a year. One thing to keep in mind is that they may not always be accessible, making it impossible to do this oneself. Check if the plenum has foil-wrapped insulation at the front to see if you can get to it. If it doesn't, and the plenum is enclosed in a sealed metal box, you must not enter it. This could cause irreversible damage to your device.

2. Keep the condenser running.

The majority of air conditioning condenser units are naturally placed outside. However, this means it has to contend with more dirt than it would otherwise. The condenser has a fan that blows air across the condensing coil, which needs to be cleaned from the intake side. If you don't verify the direction of air movement through the coils first, you can end yourself cleaning something that doesn't require it.

3. Replace the coolant lines in the system.

Insufficient refrigerant may indicate that the machine is unable to offer adequate cooling and will eventually overheat. Do not attempt to charge the system's refrigerant lines; this is something that should be left to a professional. However, the pipes from the condenser to the evaporator can be examined indoors. Any frayed insulation will lose its effectiveness and should be replaced. However, follow the manufacturer's directions carefully, and if you're still unsure, seek expert help.

4. Run a thermostat test.

It's critical to ensure that the thermostat is working properly; after all, it's the thermostat that controls the temperature and is thus an essential component of the system. Check how many wires are passing through the thermostat before you test it. If there are more than two lead wires running into it (not including the sensing bulb wire), it's best to leave it to the pros. This test will always be included alongside all of the other normal checks.

5. Examine the fan's performance.

Because the fan is such an important component of an air conditioner, it's critical to address the problem as quickly as feasible. Fortunately, filthy blades are usually the source of the problem. Usually, all that is required is to turn off the power and clean it thoroughly. If the blades are a little loose, tightening them will improve the unit's efficiency and safety.

If something more serious happens, don't try to fix it yourself unless you're confident in your ability to deal with air conditioners. If you go inside your system, double-check that the power is completely turned off. That may come out as patronizing, but the simplest of things are frequently overlooked!

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